Sunday, July 5, 2009

Matthew Cobb article on Mssr. Cordier

Two posts in one day? I can hardly believe it m'self.

This is some good news for us Anglophone Resistance buffs: Matthew Cobb posted an unpublished article about Mssr. Cordier's recently published memiors on his vox site here.

I'm curious where he got the impression that the Resistance started our more to the right than the left, considering how far right Vichy was. Also, I used to have bookmarked something that would correct his note that Mssr. Cordier hadn't known Mssr. Moulin was an artist until after the war, but that bookmark was lost in the great laptop carnage of earlier this year and my Google skills appear insufficient to retrieve it.

(It was an article about Mssr. Moulin's life as an artist, and in it Mssr. Cordier recounted the conversation they had after he, Cordier, discovered one of Moulin's false papers listed him as an artist. If I ever find the link again I'll post it here.)

Other than those tiny quibbles, it's an excellent article on Mssr. Cordier! Who knew the Manchester Art Gallery in WWII was such a hot bed of international intrigue?

Enjoy, and vive La Resistance.

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